Questions about Projects

We love a good project!

Yes, we do.  If your website is in need of a high-level overhaul to better serve your visitors, boost revenue, lower bounce rates, and improve user experience (UX), let’s talk. All of our redesign projects include a web brand guide to establish continuity throughout the new design.

A site build can take anywhere from 30 days to 6 months depending on the level of custom applications and integrations needed.

It is of great importance to us that we build a website you can maintain and update on your own. We offer optional support plans if you want to engage our team to manage and update the site after launch.

Yes, we adhere to SEO best practices when we design and build websites, optimized for site speed and search engine crawlers.

All of our design projects embrace responsive design. Before we code a new design you will approve the look of the desktop, tablet, and mobile layouts.

Yes, Google Analytics tracking is set up on all websites we build.

During a project, we will be in contact weekly. After a site launch or delivery of a custom solution, we are available as needed for support.

We are a remote team, used to working with clients near and far so we do not need to meet in person.

Our team will work together on your project. For every project, there is a Project Manager, UX/UI Designer, and Software Engineer.

Yes, a support plan can be used for training and we provide documentation with every custom solution.

If you need more than a website you are our typical and favorite type of client. Our team excels at building solutions to meet unique business needs.

Building custom functionalities into websites (user-facing or admin-only) is our core service.